Sunday, April 24, 2011

Assigment #1


  • Jake Barnes

  • Robert Cohn

  • Frances Clyne

2.New York, Princeton, California, Paris,Winter

3.Cohn worries that he is not living his life the way he wants too , but he cannot figure out what is missing in his life.

4.Frances may hurt or make cohn's life like he wants.


  1. I believe the same as you do with the first perdiction. It seems like Frances will be Robert's "weight".

  2. Addition to the previous: By weight I do not mean that Frances will be "dead weight", just that she will be one of Johns worries, as him having it over his shoulders.

  3. I think that Frances will have a negative impact on Cohn rather than a positive one. So with that Cohn will either leave Frances and live miserable and lonely, or stay with Frances and be with someone, but miserable.
