Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Assigment #2

In Chapter 4 pg 35
"kiss me just.. we get there"show that jake and brett are inlove but brett is not single so she doesnt want to tell everyone yet.
In Chapter 3 "you cant get.. place to mother" he is trying to convince cohn to go with him to paris to see if he gets the sence he lost in life.

1 comment:

  1. The first line is something that I wrote, but it meant more than just Brett not wanting to tell everyone. It meant that Lady Brett is willing to be with Jake as long as it doesn't make her a harlet, of some sort. Jake loves Lady Brett but knows that they cannot be together.
    For the second line it really had no meaning. It just simply says what it means. No meaning no thought or anything put into it. Overall, you could have put more thought into it and told what you wanted to say rather that stating the obvious. It was okay.
