Friday, May 27, 2011

Assignment #5

1.In The begining, the fiesta begins in July 6th exploting rockets announce the begining. Everyone is dancing and drinking Cohn goes missing and jake finds him passed out in the back of a shop.At Six in the morning Bulls wake jake up and they go and sit closer to the action. Romeo likes bullfighting alot and thats what he does all the time. Jake and him have a nice talk about bullfighting after the fiesta. Mike gets tired of Cohn and hee desperately tries to get rid of him and insults Cohn to his face about being Jewish.Most of the conflict in The Sun Also Rises is about the anxieties of sex,Which causes conflicts.

2. I liked how the book symbolizes bullfighting in different ways.
My favorite part was when jake and the guys get lost at the train station.
I wouldnt recommend it to other because it doesnt really have action and thats what i like, but it all depends on the reader. Another reason why i wouldnt recommend it is because the title sounds like something giving hope and it has nothing to do with that.

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