Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Assignment #4

1. Fiesta

2. Dear Abby,
I have a Beautiful British "lover",her name is Brett Ashley,She drink alot of alcohol,She has affairs with alot of men,but says she loves me.Her beauty charms everyone she meets.She cant go anywere alone because she feels uncomfortabe being by herself.I care alot about her she might be a women that messes around with guys but that doesnt really define a person. She complains to me about how miserable she is i dont know why,maybe to attract me or to get me closer to her. She is engaged to Mike and he compares her to circe. All of the male characters in the novel are inlove with her in different degrees.


Dear Jake,
Brett Ashley is a beautiful women and alot of guys want to be with her.Be careful and love her alot and make her stop drinking. One day you will have the brett you want. Convince her to break up with Mike.


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